November 26, 2010 Tufanbeyli, Adana, Turkey

Kaan Gecidi

by Christian , published on November 26, 2010

distance: 62.99km
duration: 6h 53min

Downhill, a slopy curve, a big patch of tar on top of the asphalt, wet from a short gush of rain, slippery like soap. A cyclist is approaching.

No cadir, but a heated room last night
Oh shit, shit, i won't manage this curve. Gotta break. Uhm, curb is getting closer. More break. Shit, there goes the front wheel. Hu? Why is the mirror flying by? I'm flying too now. Damn, there's barbed wire behind the embankment. Gotta reach my foot out to the fencepost, hope that stops me.

*Black nothingness for a fraction of a second*

Yes, that worked, the fence-post saved me. No, no barbed wire in my face. Puh!
Ouch, barbed wire in my leg. Ok, try to loosen your leg without ripping the pant. Yep, that worked, only a tiny hole. Nothing hurts. Hope the bike is fine too, let's see...

crawls up the embankment

Another though ascend - Kaan Gecidi
I somehow managed to get into my first accident today. My naked frontwheel, the slopy curve and the wet patch of tar where not exactly compatible and i went flying down the embankment. No serious damage, minimal cuts from the barbed wire in my leg, slightly dirty clothes(Would have landed in a puddle of muck if the fencepost hadn't been there). For some reason(i.e. I don't know where the force came from) the mounting of the GPS-logger broke(Irreparable, but the device still works) and my mirror(The second one!) is gone. After all, a useful reminder to take care, with minimal damage.